lundi 30 novembre 2020

A Fine Binding - Half leather with Corners and edge gilding - Reliure Soigné demi cuir a coins, tranches dorés

 I have been requested to do a Fine Binding on a small volume; and realising that many Bibliophiles who are passionate about beautifully bound books are not necessarily aware of the many steps taken by the binder as a project goes from start to finish, I have decided to publish a short account illustrating the steps of the work from beginning to end.  The project will be a very find binding done in the traditional French style. 

The Book is Charles Peguy 'Les Tapisseries et autres poêmes' NRF - Gallimard - 1962. 

The binding will be half leather with corners with marbled paper from the period of the original printing. I have been given as an example of the style required a binding from the Atelier 'Alix' that was at the time located on the rue Saint André des Arts Paris. I am to create a pastiche of this fine binding in Morocco leather with leather trimmed slip case, the book gilt on three edges. 

Follow the Journey and welcome on board with best wishes from your binder Peter

Step one, assessing the condition of the book, collating, and 'pulling'! 

BONJOUR! Suivez le guide! Nous presentons au fur et a mesure, etape par etape la création d'une reliure traditionelle de qualité. Une petite 'in 12 NRF-Gallimard, Demi cuir et coins, papier de l'epoque de l'impression, livre doré sur trois tranches plus etui bordé de cuir. Les Bibliophiles, souvent passioné des livres et surtout des belles reliures, ne connaisent pas forcement toutes les etapes que nous suivons. Donc rejoignez nous pour cette voyage avec la Poésie de Charles Peguy. Bien a vous - Peter

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